Armchair Fiction presents classic science fiction and fantasy double novels with original illustrations. The first novel is a terrific tale of subterranean adventure and horror, Stanton A. Coblentz’s “The Midgets of Monoton.” It was the archeological find of the century! Remnants of a lost civilization right under our very feet, right here in America. At least that’s what Ed Dennison, Ray Gale, and Carrie Hayes thought when they started down a specially built shaft into the waiting depths below. Dennison, by sheer luck, had accidentally ploughed up some ancient artifacts hiding just below the New Mexico desert surface, in an area that no man could possibly survive for long. And now, aided by Gale’s new atomic-powered tunnel borer, the trio had dug an exploratory shaft, down which the party hoped to find further relics, the grand hope being the discovery of a forgotten race of people. But what they discovered was not a dead race, but a live one—a race of sub-human creatures whose science and cruelty dwarfed the most nefarious achievements of modern mankind. It was a race of monstrous beasts that would enslave them into a life of perpetual horror. The second tale in this great double novel is by Alexander Blade, “War of the Giant Apes.” Having discovered ape-like Martians on the faraway Red Planet, Commander Dan Moran was tasked with transporting scientist Blake Fenton—whose job it was to retrieve a Martian for study—back to Earth. However, this trip to the red desert planet somehow felt ominous compared to Moran’s previous visits. First of all he felt that the nature of the mission was morally wrong. But it was more than that, the planet was just too damn…quiet. The surface was devoid of life until a single male Martian stepped out from hiding, having been curious as to what was causing the mysterious buzzing that came from the Earth ship above. Jumping at the opportunity, and with the help of Fenton’s brain control device, they were able to herd the Martian onto their spaceship for transport to Earth. But there was something…something…too easy about the capture that Moran could not pin point. It was almost as if the Martian had wanted to be caught…