Armchair Fiction presents classic science fiction and fantasy double novels with original illustrations. The first novel is an unusual tale of time travel, “First Through Time” by Rex Gordon. It was a fantastic doorway into the future. The top-secret synchrotron was an astonishing new technological innovation meant to change the way scientists analyzed particles of matter. However, after millions of dollars were used to construct it, the synchrotron failed to work as intended. Instead it opened a portal through time—and the photos it took of the future were truly revolutionary. Unfortunately, what those photos showed was a complete and utter disaster—both for Sara Francis who operated the synchrotron and the world upon which she worked. Enter Major Howard Judgen, an astronaut, who had trained for a flight into outer space but instead was called upon for a mission infinitely more dangerous—traveling into the future to uncover the cause of the disaster that had seemingly caused the death of Sara Francis. Was her death a certainty—and did that same certainty also doom the rest of humanity? The second novel is a great Milton Lesser tale, “Through a Glass Darkly.” Was he a man—or a robot? Gilbert wasn’t completely sure what he was. All he knew was what George (who George was Gilbert didn’t know either) had told him. His name was Gilbert…and he was a robot. A robot—a servant who is supposed to do as it’s told! However, while Gilbert thought this explained the unusual circumstance of his “birth” just a few weeks prior, he certainly didn’t feel like an actual robot—not while he steadily “grew” from child to young man in the space of a few days, and learned through memories instead of lessons. So while Gilbert wasn’t certain who he was, he did know that someone had laid plans for him. Why else would he be lied to and kept behind tall metal walls that kept out the world he was so curious about? And when his mysterious caretaker, George, was bludgeoned to death, Gilbert—fearing for his life—fled into the strange world outside the walls of his mysterious sanctuary.