Armchair Fiction features the best in classic science fiction short story collections. "Masters of Science Fiction, Vol. 16” features the works of one of the most underrated science fiction authors of the 1950s, Rog Phillips. Born in 1909, Phillips (Roger Phillip Graham) would begin his career later in life, publishing his first story “Let Freedom Ring!” in 1945. But once started he became impossible to stop. He was one of Editor Ray Palmer’s top storytellers at Ziff-Davis Publications, gracing the pages of classic pulp magazines like Amazing Stories and Fantastic Adventures throughout the late 1940s. During the 1950s Phillips found his work in even higher demand and his fiction wound up in many of the top science fiction digest magazines of the day: If, Imaginative Tales, Other Worlds, and Fantastic, just to name a few. By 1964, Phillips’ short but prolific writing career had resulted in over 200 published works. Within these pages is a sampling of Phillips’ most tantalizing tales, including: “Live in an Orbit and Love it!” where you’ll discover that the cutthroat game of outer space real estate isn’t for everyone. See how far a man will go to heal his wounded pride in “A Handful of Sand.” Be prepared for a revolutionary new piece of art in “The Gallery.” And don’t forget to take hitch a ride to the moon in “Lunar Holiday,” where you’ll find that sometimes the best place to hide is in plain sight. All in all, there are 18 amazing Rog Phillips tales to sink your teeth into.