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(1963, 35mm English Edition) Samson (the Silver Maskman), Claudio Brook, Norma Mora, Rubin Rojo.  Kidnappings take place near an eerie wax museum.  One of the kidnapping victims is a reporter.  Inside the museum a mad scientist transforms the victims into both wax figures and misshapen monsters, the latter of which he keeps in cages in his dungeon laboratory.  Samson, of course, is brought in to save the day.  At one point Samson gets the crap beat out of him and is taken to the mad doctor’s laboratory.  Will he escape in time?  The final lab scene where the mad doctor and his team of werewolves and man-beasts battle Samson is extremely memorable.  As Mexican horror films go, this is one of the better ones, and seeing it from a 35mm transfer is a real delight.  From 35mm.

Product Details:  (sku:H680)
Your Price: $16.95 (per Each)
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