Armchair Fiction presents classic science fiction and fantasy double novels with original illustrations. The first novel is a terrific tale of interplanetary conflict, R. H. Roman’s “The War of the Planets.” It was a tremendous battle of three worlds. In this amazing sequel to R. H. Romans’ The Moon Conquerors (Armchair Fiction C-90) we return back to the familiar soils of Earth with the esteemed Dr. Haverfield. After the success of his first manuscript detailing his audacious adventures on the Moon, Haverfield is tasked with lifting the veil on Earth’s own historical mysteries. By reviewing the Selenite’s vast Lunar records he strives to bring to light the ancient and turbulent relationship between the Selenites of the Moon and the Vuduites, that advanced race that once inhabited a young untamed Earth. What Haverfield chronicles in this exciting tale is a cataclysmic conflict of three great planets as they clashed for supremacy over the Earth, and whose resulting battles changed the course of Earth’s history and geography forever. The second novel is by that great science fiction storyteller, David H. Keller, M. D., “The Feminine Metamorphosis.” When a hospital sprung up in the middle of rural China, no one thought much of it. Even the makeup of its staff—all of which were women—didn’t raise any eyebrows with the outside world. But when the hospital started throwing money at the local male population, luring them to become test subjects for a series of mysterious “operations,” people began to take notice. Soon the questions on everyone’s minds were: “What exactly are these women doing in there? “What’s the nature of these operations?” “Where on earth are they getting their funding?” So with questions aplenty, the U.S. government turned to the one man they knew could find the answers—Secret Service agent Taine. This unassuming, bland, totally unimaginative man was just the guy they needed, and it would be his infiltration into the ranks of this “women’s only” hospital that would lead to discoveries that were just the tip of the iceberg of a sinister organization’s scheme to rock the world.