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Sci Fi > Drive In Double Features

Drive in Double Features DRIVE-IN DOUBLE FEATURE #230

FIRST SPACESHIP ON VENUS (1962, Anamorphic Widescreen) Yoko Tani, Oldrich Lukes, Julius Ongewe, Kurt Rackelman.   A space expedition is launched to the planet Venus.  There they find the planet and its former inhabitants completely destroyed by atomic war.  The crew faces many horrible dangers including a blob-like monster.  Lots of great outer space scenes.  We have a real soft spot for this classic early ‘60s space opera movie, which is good fun all the way through. Great color, 35mm.  

THE AMPHIBIAN MAN (1962, Anamorphic Widescreen) Vladimir Korenev, Mikhail Kozakov, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Nikolai Simonov. Shoreline villages live in fear of a mysterious ocean creature known as "the sea devil," who terrorizes the coast.  It turns out that the creature is not only the product of man (and not of nature), but the result of an experiment conducted by a local scientist. This is a most entertaining English-dubbed Soviet science fiction film with many beautiful visuals and memorable scenes. Great color. from 35mm.


Product Details:  (sku:DI230)
Your Price: $12.95 (per Each)
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