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Sword and Sandal > Drive In Double Features

Drive in Double Features DRIVE-IN DOUBLE FEATURE #224

GLADIATORS 7 (1962, Anamorphic Widescreen Edition) Richard Harrison, Loredana Nusciak, Gerard Tichy, Livio Lorenzon.  A gladiator epic with a dash of humor thrown in.  Framed for helping the escape of several gladiators, Harrison,who’s the son of a Spartan nobleman, is sentenced to be a gladiator himself.  Later he escapes, only to discover that his father has been slain.  Even worse, the woman he loves is about to marry the evil King of Sparta! With his six gladiator pals, they set out—swords in hand—to make things right again.  Probably Harrison’s best sword & sandal film. From a gorgeous color 35mm anamorphic print.   

WAR GODS OF BABYLON (1962, Anamorphic Widescreen Edition) Howard Duff, Jocelyn Lane, Luciano Marin, Giancarlo Sbragia.  A powerful king and his naïve younger sibling clash over the affections of a gorgeous peasant woman.  While this is happening a plot is hatched against both brothers by a power-lusting general.  Lots of cool action and intrigue in this peplum epic; the highlight is when the primeval gods unleash their wrath upon the ancient city of Nineveh, sending a monstrous storm to wipe it out.  The scenes of walls crumbling beneath flood waters and people drowning like rats are amazing!  Wow. Gorgeous color, from 35mm. 

Product Details:  (sku:DI224)
Your Price: $12.95 (per Each)
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