Armchair Fiction presents classic science fiction double novels with original illustrations. Frank Belknap Long’s “Planet without Love” is the first tale in this double novel. It was a planet where sex and love were crimes of the first magnitude. How long can a girl suppress the romantic desires that are natural to a beautiful and healthy female? Alicia was denied the privileges of the women in the Mating Center, but she was quite lovely—and she was desperate. She could see lust flaming in the eyes of the men she met along the Travel Strip—men who reluctantly tore their eyes away to go to their glass enclosed cubicles to perform their monotonous daily tasks. Deliberately she stripped the sober attire of the industrial worker and set herself free from the shackles of a society that banned love. Alicia set out to use her bewitching body to upset the “Utopian” society of 2061, to topple the cold, unfeeling leaders of that society—to prove that love cannot be denied! The second tale in this double novel is Frank M. Robinson’s “The Dead End Kids of Space.” It would one day be called, “The Great Interplanetary Heist!” Peter Johnson was a brilliant scientist who was just starting to make his mark in his field. If successful, the assignment to Nibelung would jump start his career and lead to more missions and more fame. The mission was a simple, routine one: Peter, along with Joseph Saunders, Clifford Nugent, and Kathryn Spencer would infiltrate the planet’s society for a year to accelerate it’s already growing societal advances to match the advances on their own home planet, Terra. This would allow Terra’s space-faring citizens to use Nibelung as a pit stop planet when traveling to other places in the far corners of space. However, some of the team members had other grand ideas, namely…stealing the planet Nibelung! Unfortunately for their scheme, Nibelung was not the planet they thought it was.