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Horror CARNIVAL OF BLOOD—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition

(1970) Earle Edgerton, Judith Resnick, Martin Barolsky, Burt Young, Kaly Mills. A real guilty pleasure—a film so crappy that it’s very enjoyable; and it’s just filled with ‘70s drive-in schlock. There’s a psycho-killer roaming the midway at Coney Island! The killer picks out his victims, then slays and dismembers them. It’s not pretty. The local DA investigates; but in spite of the peril, he still brings his fiancée to join him for some fun on the midway. We love this film.  Watch for the crowd reactions to the first decapitation scene—you’ll howl.  This can only be described as a grade Z masterpiece.  Look for Burt Young of Rocky fame in an early role.  Great color, 35mm. 

Product Details:  (sku:H649)
Your Price: $16.95 (per Each)
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