Armchair Fiction presents classic science fiction double novels with original illustrations. The first novel is by Hugo Award nominee, Rog Phillips, “A Man Named Mars.” Could this sinister plan be stopped by a pair of nobodies? Painfully plain Suzy Jones was always on her way out of a job, while some voluptuous beauty was walking in! That was the story of her life, until the day (while in the process of getting fired) her boss offered to set her up as his mistress! In an instant, ordinary Suzy’s hair was golden and alive—and her skin shined! But when hordes of persistent admirers hounded her endlessly, she learned beauty wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Lackluster coin enthusiast, Fred Wright had no charisma, no talent, and no backbone. In other words, he was a total flop at life. Then one day he stood up from his desk and quit, walked into a bank, took out a loan for fifty grand, and opened up a stockbroker’s office! He was shocked by his actions. Like magic Fred had turned into a suave, commanding force—but a force he had no control over. Little did Suzy and Fred know that there was a cosmic force working within them. A force dedicated to the destruction of not only the human race, but of all life on Earth. Bryan Berry’s “Mission to Marakee” is our second novel. Death to all scientists was the motto! Ray Carver was an ordinary solider, displaced after the nuclear war. With humanity on the verge of extinction, Ray figured there was nothing left to fight for; that is until a certain little someone placed him in the hands of an underground organization that still had hope for mankind’s survival. After being briefed on what seemed to be a mishmash of wild stories about another impending menace (which he still did not quite believe), Ray finally agreed to help the group. He and his comrades soon set out for the small town of Harville. Their mission there was to locate a factory, gather more intelligence, and hopefully garner more recruits for their cause. But they found Harville to be a skeleton of tangled iron and steel girders. Armed with only a single gun in their holsters, Ray and his team soon found out what happened in Harville was only the beginning. Could they survive long enough to make it to their ultimate destination, remote Marakee, a citadel of all-consuming evil, engrossed cult-like followers, and a mind-acquisitioning master.