WINTER OF THE WITCH (1969) Hermione Gingold, Anna Strasberg, Roger Morgan, Jack Manning, narrated by Burgess Meredith. In this critically acclaimed film, the life of a gnarly old witch is disrupted by the unannounced arrival of a boy and his mother. Their presence makes life hell for her and forces her to struggle with the realities of the modern world. Can she change from a bad witch to good witch? Lots of creepy fun. This really is a great little film with a whopping 8.2 rating on IMDB. PLUS: LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW (1972) Narrated by John Carradine. This is a well-made little animated short subject version of the Washington Irving horror classic. Beautiful colors. Carradine does a great job as the narrator. We’ve also thrown in a full drive-in style intermission between these two great featurettes. Nice color, from 16mm.