(1960-1972) Williams Bates, Karin Field, Fawn Silver. Our DVD release of Master of Horror (1960), which is an English-dubbed South American horror film, featured two vignettes of classic Poe horror tales: “Cask of Amontillado” and “Case of M. Valdemar.” However, the film—as first released in South America—had a third vignette, supposedly the best of the three, “The Telltale Heart.” Legend of Horror features this missing vignette. When Legend of Horror came out in 1972, it incorporated the original South American “Telltale Heart” vignette along with about forty minutes of new footage with American actors, expanding the original Poe storyline significantly. There’s one really cool scene with zombies in a graveyard! At any rate, the new footage serves as kind of a wrap-around for the original South American footage. And no…this is not like one of those awful Jerry Warren abominations. LEGEND OF HORROR is a surprisingly good “little” film. From 35mm.