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Upgraded Titles > Spaghetti Western > Westerns > Upgraded Sci-fi

Spaghetti Western DUEL IN THE ECLIPSE—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition

(1968, Upgraded 2/19/23, aka REQUIEM FOR A GRINGO) Lang Jeffries, Fernando Sancho, Femi Benussi, Carlos Gaddi. A unique Euro-western with the hero as an astrologist who wears a leopard suit. Sure, there’s a revenge theme, but overall this is a different brand of spaghetti. It’s very moody and feels like a Euro-horror film in spots. The final duel is extremely well-done with plenty of six-gun action.  Cool.  One other alternate title is Requiem for Django.  Beautiful color, from 35mm.

Product Details:  (sku:SW44)
Your Price: $8.95 (per Each)
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