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Sci Fi

Sci Fi BATTLE OF THE WORLDS—Special Anamorphic Widescreen Edition

BATTLE OF THE WORLDS—Special 2-Disc Anamorphic Edition (1961) Claude Rains, Bill Carter, Maya Brent, Umberto Orsini, Carol Danell, directed by Antonio Margheriti.  This two-disc special edition features a beautiful anamorphic widescreen English language edition on one disc, with the foreign-language anamorphic widescreen edition (with English subtitles) on the other.  These widescreen editions are a wonderful viewing experience with beautiful color and great video quality.  The plot is simple but fun: Earth may soon be destroyed by a runaway planet/asteroid controlled by a giant computer.  Rains leads an expedition into deep space to meet the impending threat.  They are soon face-to-face with hordes of marauding spaceships, all of which aim their death rays towards the approaching Earthmen.  Lots of excitement and good performances.  Danell is wonderful as the mysterious "Mrs. Collins."  Great cinematography with very cool special effects and fine outer space scenes. One of Rains' last roles.  Snappy scientific mumbo jumbo adds to this action-packed sci-fi classic.  Color, 35mm widescreen

Product Details:  (sku:S392)
Your Price: $16.95 (per Each)
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