(1971) DIRECTORS CUT! Carolyn Brandt, Ron Haydock, Jason Wayne. Directed by Ray Dennis Steckler. When this was made back in ‘71, Director Ray Steckler was faced with a distinct problem. He had a concept for an hour long horror film at a time when distributors weren't touching anything that ran under 70 min. Therefore, Ray was forced to pad the film with several minutes of extra footage consisting mainly of rodeo action shots and non-essential dialogue scenes. In this newer edition, Ray carefully stripped out the excess baggage and reconstructed the film to its original, intended running time of just under 60 min. The result is a much better paced and highly atmospheric production. Ray also laid down a new music score to further enhance the mood of the picture. Completists may want to stick to the 70-plus minute original version, but for those interested in seeing what Ray originally had in mind then this one's for you.