(1969, aka Secret Chronicles of the Ghost-Cat) Kojiro Hongo, Naomi Kobayashi, Mitsuyo Kamei, Ikuko Mori. A brilliant Japanese vengeful ghost story. An evil lord covets the sister of a blind monk. When the monk refuses, the lord promptly bashes him in the head and kills him. He then issues orders for the sister to forfeit her castle and grounds. The sister, craving revenge, commits hara-kiri and as she’s dies, implores her black cat to drink her blood, which will turn the creature into a powerful, revenge-craving, supernatural entity. Then it’s one supernatural horror scene after another. The visuals in this film are amazing. Watch for the gray-haired ghost-woman as she attacks her victims with vampire-like fangs bared! What a cool film. English Subtitles. Great color, widescreen, 35mm. DVD item #H501, VHS item #H501