DEMON (1963) Daliah Lavi, Frank Wolff, Anna Maria Aveta, Dario Dolci. This is a moody, disturbing Euro-thriller dealing with demonic possession. Lavi is great as a beautiful young woman whom the townsfolk believe is possessed by a demon. Watch for the riveting sequence where she writhes as though possessed. Lavi seems to relish her possession, and tries to conjure up curses and bewitch people. One of her targets is the man she is obsessed with (Wolff) but who is scheduled to be married. There are numerous scenes where priests, townsfolk, and family try to rid her of the demon inside—all to no avail. One chilling sequence has her conversing with a local youth near a stream, only to find out a short time later that he has already died of an unspoken malady. The final scene where Wolff finally succumbs to her ravenous charms is very well played. This is supposedly a true story, which begs the question…was she really possessed, or was it all a delusion in the minds of her and the villagers. Very thought-provoking. In Italian with English subtitles.