(1960, Upgraded 11/27/23) Helen Hayes, Jason Robards, Martin Brooks, Margaret Hamilton, Shepperd Strudwick. What a find! We were jumping up and down with joy when this ultra-ultra rarity was made available to us. Most collectors have never seen (we had never even heard of it) this made-for-TV version of the classic Mary Roberts Rinehart chiller. What a cast, too! Hayes is terrific as the aged Mrs. Van Gorder, mistress of the mysterious mansion where “the Bat” is on the loose. Hamilton is in fine form as her trembling servant. Robards is great as the hard-driving detective Anderson. Great atmosphere and snappy dialogue compliment the eerie goings-on. A mandatory title for any classic horror film collection. First time on video. Way cool. Mastered from a 16mm kinescope print.