(1932, Upgraded, 11/24/23) Hugh Williams, Horace Hodges, Gretha Hansen, Ian Fleming. If it wasn't British, this would be in the Forgotten Horrors book. Hugh (Inspector Holt in HUMAN MONSTER) has some valuable jewels stolen. They're hidden in the back of an old clock in an antique shop. When the thieves return for them, the clock has been sold! They trace it to a creepy country estate. When Hugh and the niece of one of the crooks also show up, things get hairy. Only marginally a horror film, this is never-the-less an old dark house thriller with many spooky elements: sinister faces peering in windows; chilling screams; dark figures slinking through side doors; bound bodies in closets; etc. Short and sweet, it runs under 60m. No classic, but fun. 16mm.