THE INCREDIBLY STRANGE CREATURES WHO STOPPED LIVING AND BECAME MIXED UP ZOMBIES (1963) Ray Stecker, Carolyn Brandt, Brett O'Hara. A musical monster movie! Ray’s a drifter who’s drawn to an eerie sideshow where he's hypnotized by a gypsy and turned into a murdering zombie. Hidden in cages are other zombies whose faces have been disfigured with acid by the gypsy and her hunchback. At the climax, the creatures break loose and go on a carnage. This is the film that made Ray Steckler a cult movie luminary. From 35mm.
THE THRILL KILLERS (1965) Ray Steckler, Brick Bardo, Herb Robins, Liz Renay, Carolyn Brandt. A nail-biting story of a psycho who kills to satisfy his perverse hatred toward all people. Also on the loose is his loony tunes brother and his ax-wielding buddies. An aspiring actor and his wife are caught in the middle of their bloodthirsty insanity. The grueling chase scene with Carolyn Brandt is tops! A great, low budget shocker. From 35mm.