DOCTOR ORLOFF’S MONSTER 1964, aka SECRET OF DR. ORLOF) Jose Rubio, Perla Cristal. This is the second in the "Dr. Orlof" series about the good doctor and his latest monstrosity: a human robot that is sent out on a destructive rampage. Lots of cool scenes. Carries much of the flavor of the original classic. The final fifteen minutes are quite memorable. Directed by Jesus Franco. From a nice original 16mm print. SECRET OF THE BLACK WIDOW 1963) Karin Dor, Klaus Kinksi, Werner Peters, Eddi Arent.. Though not officially a Wallace film, it looks and plays exactly like all the other ‘60s German Wallace entries. The London police are perplexed by three horrible murders. Each victim has been killed by a “black widow” bullet. A must for ‘60s Wallace fans. 16mm.