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Sci Fi, More.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... VIEW ALL
(1957) Ken Utsui, Junko Ikeuchi, Minoru Takada. Over 150 minutes of simple Japanese superhero sci-fi fun. This two-disc set is in Japanese with no subtitles but—as with Vol. One—the plots are so simple that it’s quite easy to follow what’s going on. Our hero, Starman, once again battles an endless array of villians as he flies about the galaxy, providing even more...
$16.95 |
(1981) Kirsty Wilkinson, Lance Warren, Roy Leywood, William Johnson, Glynis McNicoll, Noel Trevarthn, William Ewens. This is an amazing mini-series (8.1 rating on IMDB). Two three-year old twins, a boy and a girl, are lost in the cold New Zealand woods. Search parties are unable to find them. They are saved by a strange glow from the sky...
$16.95 |
(1966) Ronald Hines, Petra Davie, Peter Madden, Gay Hamilton, Peter Madden Timothy Bateson. Hines is haunted by the same dream every night, a dream in which he dies during a massive explosion at a chemical plant. His wife, too, is haunted by similar dreams. And why do they seem to be reliving the same 24 hours, with slight variations, day after day...
$16.95 |
NO SURVIVORS PLEASE—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1962) Maria Perschy, Robert Cunningham, Uwe Friedrichsen, Karen Blanguernon, Gustavo Rojo. Earth is in great peril. Invading aliens attempt conquest by taking over peoples’ bodies at death. They then use them as tools for their invasion plans...
$16.95 |
PHANTOM PLANET, THE—35mm Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1961) Dean Fredericks, Coleen Gray, Dolores Faith, Anthony Dexter, Francis X Bushman, Richcard Kiel. There is something ultimately likable about this underrated sci-fi B-opus. Astronaut Fredericks is stranded on a “phantom” planetoid. There he finds a race of miniature people menaced by a fleet of marauding alien monsters who attack in their flaming spaceships. This film is loaded with...
$16.95 |
SAMPO—SPECIAL 2-DISC EDITION (aka Day the Earth Froze)
(1959, aka The Day the Earth Froze) Urho Somersalmi, Anna Orochko, Ivan Voronov, Andris Osins, Ada Voytsik. A superb Finnish fantasy epic about an evil witch who steals the sun and causes just about everything on the Earth to freeze. Also featured are magic harps, fields of snakes, a wizard, and a...
$16.95 |
(1958) Lubor Tokos, Hugh Downs, Arnost Navrátil, Miroslav Holub, Frantisek Slégr. This is easily the best quality DVD edition of this fabulous science fiction film on the market. The evil Count Artigas kidnaps the scientist Professor Roch and his assistant. Artigas takes them to his headquarters inside an enormous volcano, far off at sea. The machines the professor creates are incredible. His heavy water experiments soon provide...
$16.95 |
(1957) Ken Utsui, Junko Ikeuchi, Minoru Takada. Over 100 minutes of mindless Japanese superhero sci-fi fun. This two-disc set is in Japanese with no subtitles but the plots are so simple that it’s pretty darn easy to figure out what’s going on. Our hero, Starman, battles enemy agents galore, all the while befriending a group of school children and concerned adults. There are lots of lab scenes, fistfights, and...
$16.95 |
(1932) Harry Piel, Fritz Odemar, Lissy Arna, Annemarie Sorensen, Olga Limburg. Harry is a taxi driver who finds an odd contraption on the back seat of his cab that renders him invisible. He soon uses it to gain wealth and fame. Watch for the scene at the racetrack where Harry scores a fortune. His servant, though, has other ideas...
$16.95 |
(1973) Keir Dullea, Walter Koenig, Gay Rowan, Robin Ward, Henry Beckman. The people of The Ark discover a humanoid alien (Koenig) living in one of their domes. His spaceship needs repairs before he can return to his own planet, so he enlists help from the Ark members. But there is some duplicity going on—what is the alien hiding...
$16.95 |
(1965, Upgraded 7/11/22) Terrance Morgan, Jessica Dunning, Joseph O’Conor, Hannah Gordon, George Pastell. An excellent B&W made-for-TV Brit feature. The Earth has blown up! No one knows why or how—it just happened. One lonely Earth survivor (Morgan) is a nomadic tinker on Mars. He spurns the love of a Martian woman in favor of shipping out to a colony on Venus, hoping to build a better life. But things are not what he...
$16.95 |
FIRST SPACESHIP ON VENUS—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1962, Upgraded 12/30/20) Yoko Tani, Oldrich Lukes, Julius Ongewe, Ignacy Machowski, Kurt Rackelman. A big, international space expedition is launched after the discovery of an ancient alien artifact. Their expedition...land on and explore the planet Venus, which is believed to be the artifact's place of origin...
$16.95 |
(1959) Ken Utsui, Junko Ikeuchi, Reiko Seto, Terumi Hoshi. What’s not to like? It’s another hilarious Starman movie. This epic has our hero battling against the sinister brain of Balazar and his crazed minions of Marpetians...
$16.95 |
GIANT GILA MONSTER, THE—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1959, Upgraded 12/30/20) Don Sullivan, Lisa Simone, Shug Fisher. A gigantic lizard terrorizes a small Texas community, smashing cars and trains and scarfing up gobs of people. The train crash scene is memorable, as is the dance hall scene. Lots of cool hot rods, including one that smashes into...
$16.95 |
F.P. 1 DOESN'T ANSWER—English Subtitled Edition
(1932) Hans Alber, Sybille Schmitz, Peter Lorre, Paul Hartman. Great sci-fi about a giant floating platform built in the mid-Atlantic as a refueling stopover for trans-Atlantic flights. Unfortunately there are plans afoot to stop this daring project. Albers is the great flier in the center of it all, who falls for the beautiful daughter of the man who built the platform. Sabotage and intrigue soon...
$16.95 |
(1913) Crissie Bell, E. Holman Clark, Hubert Willis. Britain's first full-length sci-fi film. A Martian having offended his ruler is exiled to Earth with the mission to change the heart of a selfish man. Based on a highly popular stage play, Message to Mars features futuristically clad Martians, thought transference, instant space travel, mind control...
$16.95 |
(1972) Mine Mutlu, Kunt Tulgar, Erol Tas, Erol Gunaydin. This outlandish Turkish sci-fi action film features “the Copperhead,” a masked hero who fights the evil Dr. Satan. The doctor has designs on conquering the world with robots and other electronics. He laughs maniacally throughout the film. There are many scenes that will make you howl and the Sherlock Holmish sidekick is bad beyond belief. A wonderfully inept film that never lets up...
$16.95 |
SEED OF MAN, THE—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1969) Uldis Pucitis, Jüri Järvet, Lembit Peterson, Mikk Mikiver, Karlis Sebris. It’s a post-apocalyptic world in which mankind has been decimated by an unknown plague. Cities are on fire; millions have died. A young couple is detained by the government and sequestered into a beach house to conceive a child in an effort to save mankind. They are soon visited by strange riders and a massive whale dies on their beach...
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