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$98 Special Sale
THE $98 SPECIAL—Back for the Holiday Season and Beyond! Now through Wednesday, January 22nd of 2025, grab ANY TWELVE (12) TITLES FOR ONLY 98 DOLLARS POSTPAID. Simply add this to your cart and take advantage of this great special—our most popular sale ever...
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. The Super 6 Sale
THE SUPER 6 SALE is available now! Simply add this product to your cart to take advantage of this great sale. Buy any 5 titles from our website catalog and receive the 6th title absolutely free. Remember, this sale applies to all titles in our website catalog. WE WILL ADJUST YOUR FINAL TOTAL! Don't worry about the total on your invoice during checkout, we will adjust your total on our end and you will only be charged the sale price. We will also pick your most expensive title(s) to be your free title(s).
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(Upgraded 5/21/24) THE KILLER SHREWS (1959, Anamorphic Widescreen) James Best, Ingrid Goulde, Gordon Mclendon, Ken Curtis. "The shrews devour everything…flesh, bones, marrow…everything.” THE GIANT GILA MONSTER (1959, Anamorphic Widescreen) Don Sullivan, Lisa Simone, Shug Fisher. A gigantic lizard is running amok!
$12.95 |
(Upgraded 5/21/24) CREATURE FROM THE HAUNTED SEA (1961, Anamorphic) Anthony Carbone, Betsy Jones Morland, Edward Wain. Another of Roger Corman's horror comedies. A fake sea monster, blamed for many deaths, turns out to be real. PLUS: DEVIL’S PARTNER (1958, Anamorphic) Edwin Nelson, Edgar Buchannon, Jean Allison, Richard Crane. A strange man comes to a small desert town and brings along satanic rites, evil spells and death!
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(Upgraded 5/27/24) ATTACK OF THE GIANT LEECHES (1959, Anamorphic) Yvette Vickers, Ken Clarke, Bruno VeSota, Michael Emmet. A top-of-the-line drive-in classic. A BUCKET OF BLOOD (1959, Anamorphic) Dick Miller, Barbara Morris, Antony Carbone, Ed Nelson, Judy Bamber. A truly great “cult” film.
$12.95 |
(Upgraded 6/1/23) ASSIGNMENT OUTER SPACE (1962, Anamorphic) Rick Von Nutter, Archie Savage. Pure sci-fi with excellent Cinematography. THE PHANTOM PLANET (1961, Anamorphic) Dean Fredericks, Coleen Gray, Dolores Faith, Anthony Dexter, Francis X. Bushman. Pure sci-fi with excellent Cinematography. A gigantic force field on a runaway space station threatens Earth.
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