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Edgar Wallace & Krimi Films, More.. 1 2 3 VIEW ALL
(1938, aka NOBODY HOME) Gordon Harker,Hartley Power,Rene Ray, Una O'COnner, Cyril Smith. A somewhat obscure British Edgar Wallace chiller. The ex-partner of a master criminal is protected by Scotland Yard. The criminal--a master of disguise--tracks him down and kills him anyway, in spite of the Yard's efforts. Who really is...
$12.95 |
RINGER, THE—Special 2-Disc Edition
(1964, aka DER HEXER, Anamorphic Widescreen) Joachim Fuchsberger, Heinz Drache, Sophie Hardy, Carl Lange, Eddi Arent. The sister of a famous, but as yet uncaught, criminal named The Hexer is murdered. Inspector Higgins of Scotland Yard believes that The Hexer will surface to take his revenge on his sister's killers, and plans to set a trap to finally capture him. However, soon bodies start piling up...
$12.95 |
ROOM 13—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1964, Upgraded 10/19/21) Joachim Fuchsberger, Karin Dor, Richard Haubler, Eddi Arent. A robbery involving gold and bank notes eventually leads to the blackmail of a member of Parlament who has a shady past. But there is a razor-wielding killer afoot, too! It all leads to a mysterious estate and a striptease nightclub where bodies begin to pile up...
$12.95 |
(1962) Joachim Hansen, Senta Berger, Hans Reiser, Chris Howland, Helga Sommerfeld, Leonard Steckel, Peter Carsten. The chilling tale of a series of grisly murders at a famed English Hotel in London's Soho district. The killer uses a sharp knife to knock off the hotel guests. Hansen, a slick detective, is called in...
$12.95 |
(1963, Upgraded 11/7/21) O. W. Fischer, Karin Dor, Klaus Kinksi, Werner Peters, Eddi Arent. The London police are perplexed by three horrible murders. Each victim has been killed by a “black widow” bullet. Bodies start piling up before a slick reporter begins to figure things...
$12.95 |
(1972, Upgraded 12/28/20) Antonio Sabato, Uschi Glass, Rossella Falk, Pier Paolo Copponi. A black-gloved killer is on the loose, leaving crescent moon medallions at the scene of his killings. Sabato and Glass are the...
$12.95 |
SINISTER MONK, THE—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1965, Upgraded 10/25/21) Karin Dor, Siegfried Lowitz, Harald Leipnitz, Ilse Steppat, Eddi Arent. The setting is a girls’ school where a hooded killer, “the Monk,” lashes his victims to death with a whip. Scotland Yard tries to track him down, but more slayings occur before they can find the killer. The final unmasking scene...
$12.95 |
SQUEAKER, THE—Special 2-Disc Edition
(1963, aka DER ZINKER, Anamorphic Widescreen) Heinz Drache, Barbara Rütting, Günter Pfitzmann, Eddi Arent. In this excellent Edgar Wallace thriller, Scotland Yard investigates a series of grisly slayings in which the victims have died from the poison of a venomous snake. Is it a snake, or is it something far more sinister...
$12.95 |
STRANGE COUNTESS, THE—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1961, Upgraded 10/22/21) Joachim Fuchsberger, Brigitte Grothum, Marianne Hoppe, Rudolf Fernau, Eddi Arent, Klaus Kinski, Fritz Rasp. A beautiful young girl is almost murdered. Fuchsberger is the slick inspector who tries to sort things out. No explainable motive can be found until a 20 year old murder is uncovered...
$12.95 |
STRANGLER OF BLACKMOOR CASTLE —Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1963, English Language, Anamorphic Widescreen Edition) Karin Dor, Harry Riebauer, Rudolf Fernau, Hans Neilsen, Dieter Eppler, Walter Giller, Ingmar Zeisberg. Finally, a beautiful widescreen English edition of this classic Krimi horror thriller. A hooded maniac is on the loose...
$12.95 |
TERRIBLE PEOPLE, THE—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1960, Anamorphic Widescreen Edition) Joachim Fuchsberger, Karin Dor, Fritz Rasp, Dieter Eppler, Eddi Arent. Another marvelous upgrade from top Edgar Wallace restoration master, Chuck Pennington. This creepy German-made Wallace thriller is about the ghost of a hanged man who returns to fulfill his promise. All of his accusers must die!...
$12.95 |
TRAITOR'S GATE—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1964) Albert Lieven, Gary Raymond, Margot Trooger, Catherine Schell, Klaus Kinski, Eddi Arent. There’s a plot afoot to steal the Crown Jewels! It all starts when a corrupt businessman breaks a two-bit crook out of Dartmoor prison. Why?...
$12.95 |
(1963) Karin Dor, Joachim Fuchsberger, Horst Frank, Werner Peters, Paul Klinger. One of the most sought-after Edgar Wallace-style films. A man dies in a blazing car crash. His widow comes under suspicion by a life insurance company, which had just raised the payout in the event of his death. But there is something far more sinister afoot, and murder soon...
$12.95 |
MONSTER OF LONDON CITY—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1964, Upgraded 1/20/21) Hansjörg Felmy, Marianne Koch, Dietmar Schönherr, Hans Nielsen, Chariklia Baxevanos, Peer Schmidt. While a play about Jack the Ripper's atrocities is enacted at Edgar Allen Poe Theatre in London's Whitechapel district, similar murders are being committed for real in the...
$12.95 |
(1966, Upgraded 12/1/21, ANAMORPHIC WIDESCREEN) Charles Regnier, Ady Berber, Kai Fischer, Ellen Schwiers, Hans Reiser, Christa Linder, Birgit Bergen. Five people have stolen a priceless, legendary emerald from a religious temple. One of them is slain by an unknown killer. The police search desperately for...
$16.95 |
(1960-1963) Here's a bundle of FIVE chilling Edgar Wallace classics, all filled with monstrous madmen and sinister characters—and all for just $42 postpaid! You get: DOOR WITH THE SEVEN LOCKS (1962); THE TERRIBLE PEOPLE (1960); THE STRANGLER OF BLACKMOOR CASTLE (1963); THE BLACK ABBOT (1963); and THE AVENGER (1960) See more...
$42.00 |
MARK OF THE TORTOISE—Anamorphic Widescreen Edition
(1964, Upgraded 10/27/21) Hildegarde Kneff, Gotz George, Klaus Kinski, Richard Munch, Carl Lange. The nephew of a murdered millionaire decides to track down his uncle's killer. He faces many life-threatening dangers as he tries to break into the inner circle of the sinister criminal "The Tortoise." Although not officially...
$12.95 |
(1960, Anamorphic Widescreen) Adrian Hoven, Renate Ewert, Hans von Borsody, Jochen Brockmann. This cool Krimi offering is available with English subtitles for the first time. Inside a smoky nightclub called “the Green Spider” a beautiful singer finishes her song, then the band takes over, playing a raucous jazzy tune. Lost in all the noise is the sound of a gunshot...
$12.95 |
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